Thursday, September 06, 2007

I think you guys need to make another felt graph movie, then post it on here so i can watch it :)
I'm waiting for harry potter rachel!!!!

Saturday, August 18, 2007

ok, so who's going to not post on here after sam and me leave the week after next... !
paige, chelsea, andrew, erm.. adam? lol
you guys will have to take over the blog (everyone reads it and updates it so often, psh yeah right, lol) since me and sam will be partying *cough* i mean studying ALL the time... ;)
Oh you so know you're going to miss us! hehe

Monday, July 02, 2007

*looks around* chirp chirp...chirp chirp
dude we haven't updated this since october that's just plain sad...


Sunday, October 29, 2006

Baby Got Bible

Baby Got Bible

Alright guys this is a video Adam showed us this morning. It's hilarious.

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Revolve Tour

Ok, so us girls got to have a little weekend get away to Indiana, so we were all girl power and all, wooooo! Oh yeah...with our moms....:P
I had a great time, and the conference was a lot better than i thought it was going to be, so i'm glad i got the chance to go. Here's just a few pics that i have from the weekend, MB you can post more later, lol, you probably took a lot more than me. the wrong seats since someone stole ours...grrrr, lol
Nice look chelsea, nice look :P
sam took a picture of breakfast....LOL
the B&B
the speakers, wish we had a close up of chad...
these are just a couple, wanted to be able to say i updated the blog! ha!

Friday, March 03, 2006

Ok so no one has posted on this for a long time so I thought I would. Today in Spanish class we watched the funniest music video that you all have to watch. It will change your lives. It is so horribly done. No one in the video knows what they're doing. I think it's in Portuguese so you won't be able to understand it. It's just this guy singing about Africa. His name is Chico Cesar.

Ok here's the website for it. Click on "Download Chico Cesar: Mama Africa" at the top of the page above the "Order now for $19.98" . It takes awhile to download so be patient. It should play after that. You have to watch it a couple of times and watch what all the people do. They do they stangest things. You get to see what music videos in other countries are like.

Hope you guys have a great weekend!!!

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Merry Christmas ACYM!!!

Merry christmas everyone!
Hey guys just wanted to wish everyone a happy holiday, free of school, full of sleeping in, presents... yep, a great break :P Great christmas party last sunday, Mary Beth's taking me to best buy later when you both get back....hope you both have a good trip!
I just hope we all remember the real reason for the season, i think that's why we're having service on christmas morning, to remember, while our presents sit there, waiting to be unwraped....why couldn't it fall on a monday... :P
hope everyone has a happy holiday!!
and if anyone needs some coal, talk to adam there may be some rotten pumkins out in the feild still... carson, tyler look out in your stocking...